Monday, November 26, 2007


We couldn't get the kids to cooperate on Halloween. Neither Michael nor Miranda wanted anything to do with costumes *on* Halloween so we didn't push it, and so no fun pictures that day. However, earlier last week both of them wanted to be bears, so out we got the hand-me-downs from Leah and I caught some cute pictures!

Miranda as Bedtime Bear

Michael as Cheer Bear ~ R-O-A-R!!

Fun Care Bear facts for the other 30-somethings out there who had the originals!

  • Care Bears celebrated their 25th anniversary in 2007
  • There were originally 10 Care Bears: Bedtime, Birthday, Cheer, Friend, Funshine, Good Luck, Grumpy, Love-A-Lot, Tenderheart and Wish Bear
  • The Care Bear's main job was to monitor the Caring Meter and go on missions to create more caring in the world, so the meter would point at the rainbow on one end, and not the rain clouds on the other.
  • Some elements of the Care Bears franchise pay homage to the legend of King Arthur. For example, the name of the main characters' residence, Care-a-lot, is a play on King Arthur's legendary Camelot castle. The Care Bear Family sits around a heart-shaped table, similar to the Round Table used by Arthur and his knights. In addition, Sir Lancelot's name inspired that of Love-A-Lot Bear.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Fall In the Jardin

Fall is finally here ~ not just in name like all of October and most of November! We're starting to break out the long sleeves and put away the shorts. Here are a few last warm weather pics before we get into cold weather (ha ha, cold for Tucson that is) soon.

Snuggling with Daddy

With the changing of the seasons, we got out all the baby clothing in storage and pulled out hand-me-downs that Miranda could wear, put away all the warm weather stuff, and cleaned out closets for the new clothes that will be coming in as the days cool down. Miranda is wearing Michael's overalls while she can, they're too cute to pass up!

Miranda's hair is A-L-M-O-S-T long enough to pull up into pig tails - Mommy can barely stand the waiting!
pig tails

One of our favorite snacks around here - bananas! One last shot of Michael in a great shirt that he was given when Miranda was born.