Saturday, February 16, 2008

Rainy Day Driving

It rained for a good 24 hours here yesterday and last night, so we've spent a lot of time indoors waiting for everything to dry out. Today the kids decided to spend the morning driving! Miranda has discovered the joy of her big brother's helmet and marched around with it on all morning regardless of what we were doing - potty training, watching cartoons, laundry, breakfast, lunch.


Michael has claimed the pink motorcycle as his own...

Daddy's pushing "Mimi" around on the Dora cycle

We have worked on teaching Michael that when Mommy and Daddy drive, they go around the other cars instead of ramming into them head on, but he thinks this is more fun ~ pushing his sister around backwards!

And since there hasn't been one in a while, here's the obligatory pic of Mom and Dad :O)
mom and dad

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Kitty Cat!

The kids and I take walks through the neighborhood occasionally and there is a friendly kitty that lives down the street. There's a little area with benches and a table two blocks down and the cat almost always comes out to see us. Miranda L-O-V-E-S that cat! Michael calls him Hopscotch (there are flagstones around the benches and he thinks it's a hopscotch game) but his real name is George. He puts up with anything Miranda does to him ~ she lays on him and puts dirt on him and gives him the toddler equivalent of a deep tissue massage and he loves it!

Walking down our street to see the kitty

Here comes Hopscotch!

Miranda always shouts some form of "Kitty Cat!" when she sees him


We also got a package from Grandma Gayle today and it had a new sweater for Miss Miranda, so these pics are for my mom to see how it looks (totally cute if you ask me!)
