Monday, April 13, 2009

Starbucks Run

You know you've driven through Starbucks too much when one of the first things your son can say in a sentence (2 years ago or so) is "Are you getting a chai tea latte?"

We drove through again this morning (Mommy's Monday hail mary) and while we were waiting I caught the kids with my camera. Miranda's wearing a pretty new pink sweater that her Great Grandma Gilb sent for her birthday ~ it has a huge pink bow on the front that is covered by her seatbelt but it's very cute and I wish I had a Heather-sized one. I got Michael to smile for once, but only if he could cover it. Silly.

Smiling Miranda

Cover The Smile!

Sunday, April 05, 2009

Tinkerbell Party

Miranda's 3rd birthday party was today and it was a success! All our Moores of Arizona were present as was Grandpa Mike, and Miranda had a really special day. These photos are courtesy of Miranda's cousin, Eli, who manned the kid's digital camera today.

Opening presents
Opening presents with her brother "helping".

Opening presents
Reading a birthday card with Mommy and Grandpa Mike.

Auntie Mona
Auntie Mona!

Uncle Jeff
Uncle Jeff!

Crazy cousin Ethan
Cuckoo cousin Ethan!

Snacktime for Michael

What did Miranda love most out of all the cool stuff she opened today? The itty-bitty Tinkerbell off her birthday cake!