Monday, April 13, 2009

Starbucks Run

You know you've driven through Starbucks too much when one of the first things your son can say in a sentence (2 years ago or so) is "Are you getting a chai tea latte?"

We drove through again this morning (Mommy's Monday hail mary) and while we were waiting I caught the kids with my camera. Miranda's wearing a pretty new pink sweater that her Great Grandma Gilb sent for her birthday ~ it has a huge pink bow on the front that is covered by her seatbelt but it's very cute and I wish I had a Heather-sized one. I got Michael to smile for once, but only if he could cover it. Silly.

Smiling Miranda

Cover The Smile!

1 comment:

Teena said...

I should just meet you at Starbucks on Monday. Haha!